Fortune Magazine reports that “more than 50 business executives, many of whom have longstanding GOP ties, are reportedly set to endorse Hillary Clinton. The Wall St. […]
Hillary Clinton was just profiled in New York Magazine by the gifted Rebecca Traister, who wonders if Hillary’s road to the nomination needed to be as […]
Hillary Clinton received the usual smack talk from beltway press for her choice to echo her winning 2000 Senate run by making her 2016 Presidential campaign […]
Hillary Clinton won the Nevada caucus by 6 points. NBC’s Meet the Press and CNBC called her win “narrow.” Without first checking the final tally, much […]
The corporate owned media is desperate to retain control of our electoral process, crafting meme after meme to influence voter thinking so they can once again […]
House Speaker John Boehner shocked Capitol Hill and big media alike when he announced that he will relinquish his gavel at the end of October. Now, […]
When Hillary Clinton gave a talk at Taber Home Vineyards & Winery in Baldwin, Iowa last week, she shared plans not often heard from presidential candidates […]
Though GOP candidates have dominated much of the news of late, Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders found himself in some hot water after protesters claiming affiliation with […]
The massacre of nine African American parishioners by a white male at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston last week cried out for leadership on gun violence, […]
Presidential candidate Jeb Bush believes that “restoring the art of public humiliation” could help prevent pregnancies “out of wedlock.” In a recent interview, Jeb Bush doubled […]
Hillary Clinton’s call for expanded voting rights has Republicans on the attack. Per CNN, Ohio Gov. Kasich accused her of trying to “divide” Americans. NJ Gov. […]
In the ever burgeoning pool of Republican presidential candidates, Rand Paul is playing a dangerous game speaking out against Republicans, even blaming them for the growth […]
“A Presidential candidate bringing up their faith on the campaign trail has been a long-standing part of the Election season, often with at least one exchange […]
Amidst the media frenzy swirling around all things Hillary, an obsession with sound bites she gives, or doesn’t give the press, her “Scooby Van” and trips […]
The Republican field gets more crowded by the day, with the potential for nearly two dozen candidates jockeying for position on the debate stage. But how […]
Early reports estimate that the Jeb Bush super PAC, Right to Rise, will raise an estimated $100 million dollars during its first 100 days – a record for […]
Newly-official Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had the nation talking when she opted to make the announcement of her candidacy via online video. As every word of […]
With the news that Hillary Clinton is entering the Presidential race this Sunday, big media continues its faux hand-wringing that her campaign will feature a singular […]
Hillary Clinton plans to announce her candidacy on Twitter this weekend as she journey’s to Iowa for her initial campaign blitz. Big media (left and right) […]
Hillary Clinton this week led “a roundtable discussion at the Center for American Progress on expanding opportunity in urban America.” Clinton stated “We don’t have enough […]
Notwithstanding feverish media squeals about Hillary Clinton’s “private” email usage as Secretary of State, the fact is she adhered to the laws in place during her […]
The latest Hillary-bashing from Republicans hungry to win the White House in 2016 is the “Hillary’s Hiding” campaign, anchored by RNC billboards charging that Secretary Clinton […]
Last week’s firestorm set off by the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision has brought into sharp focus the problem Republicans have in their outreach to women. […]