National Journal’s article that Some Male Members of Congress Won’t Be Alone with Female Staffers caused quite an uproar. This is a problem on both sides […]
In the last 4 years, Republicans have enacted more than 200 new state laws restricting abortion access. Last week, House Republicans passed a law declaring abortion […]
With the news that Hillary Clinton is entering the Presidential race this Sunday, big media continues its faux hand-wringing that her campaign will feature a singular […]
By now, Patricia Arquette’s Oscar speech on behalf of women’s equality has gone viral. As much applause as she received for her remarks, the backlash has […]
While the Grammys only dipped a toe in the water of stopping domestic violence, activist Brooke Axtell made clear at Sunday night’s event that she was […]
Beloved author Colleen McCullough, best known for The Thorn Birds, a book that sold 30 million copies worldwide, just received an obituary all but ignoring her […]