Now Chris Matthews in finally resigning after his 23 years of sexist and otherwise inappropriate comments? This is also a man who stated that the purpose […]
Sexist attacks are daily lobbed at Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Amy Klobuchar over social media and, of course, by the pundit […]
It’s not that FOX News’ Tucker Carlson is worth listening to or respecting, yet his comments about ‘women’s advancement harming society’ must be addressed; his poison […]
Shame on every man from NBC’s Chuck Todd and Joe Scarborough, CNN’s Jake Tapper, Vox’s Ezra Klein, Rep. Trey Gowdy, former FBI Director Jim Comey, to Steve […]
In Jonathan Chait’s New York Intelligencer article cautioning women “not to play the victim card” when running as 2020 presidential candidates, doesn’t he see that a […]
Having gone silent in disgust watching the deflections of a Hillary-bashing media, I now raise my head to see a platform still offered to the reckless, […]
If the speed with which the #TrumpRussia investigation snowballs is in inverse proportion to the disaster the Trump White House can inflict upon our nation, it […]
Five years ago, I published Dirty Words on Clean Skin, a book exposing the sexism, coming mainly from the left, that derailed Hillary Clinton’s 2008 razor-close […]
Today, when Senator Elizabeth Warren stood on the Senate floor to quote civil rights activist Coretta Scott King’s 1986 letter exposing Senator Jeff Sessions’ racist past […]
On June 7th, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made history, becoming the first woman to be named presumptive nominee of a major political Party. Clinton […]
Hillary Clinton was just profiled in New York Magazine by the gifted Rebecca Traister, who wonders if Hillary’s road to the nomination needed to be as […]
The New York Times editorial board, after penning a glowing endorsement of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, now chastises her for going hard at her opponent Bernie Sanders […]
The Washington Post presented a 6-chart study documenting how much sexist verbiage Hillary Clinton receives on social media, and how many of these slurs can be […]
The now viral comment rapper Killer Mike made at a Bernie Sanders’ rally that “having a uterus doesn’t qualify a woman to be president” constitutes crass […]
When famed journalist Bob Woodward made reference to Hillary’s “shouting” the other day, I kept wondering if Bernie Sanders’ incessant barking, even yelling, on the campaign […]
Reporting for Rachel Maddow’s Blog, Steve Benen tallied political guests on the big five Sunday Talk Shows: “Meet the Press,” “Face the Nation,” “This Week,” “State […]
Why do we still demand impossible metrics for women on likeability, “authenticity” and credibility while automatically conferring those qualities upon men? Senator Bernie Sanders got in […]
HillaryMen Peter Daou and Tom Watson have my gratitude for exposing certain media operative’s loop of sexist tropes used to attack Hillary Clinton. The words […]
Maggie Gyllenhaal revealed that she lost out on a movie role because she was told she was “too old” to play a 55-year-old man’s love interest on-screen. […]
Beloved author Colleen McCullough, best known for The Thorn Birds, a book that sold 30 million copies worldwide, just received an obituary all but ignoring her […]
Today, a multi-media extravaganza that turns the tables on sexist behavior… First, Kansas City just became the latest in a list of cities considering a law […]
Maureen Dowd, arguably the most powerful columnist at The New York Times, has made a career of loathing Hillary Clinton, painting her in a negative light […]
by Anita Finlay This woman just cannot get a break. Let’s start with biographer/author Ed Klein taking her apart on FOX news last night because she […]