In the wake of Donald Trump’s scandal exposing his lewd 2005 “hot mic” comments condoning the sexual assault of women, some in Republican leadership have finally […]
The phenomenon of Donald Trump’s oncoming train wreck was precipitated by a cynical, click-bait driven corporate media and Republican fear-mongering that offered fertile ground for […]
“While there is no shortage of people making predictions about who will become the next Commander in Chief, almost every source of information has its own […]
Hillary Clinton’s patience, fortitude and grace under the 11-hour gang grilling she received at the hands of Chief Investigator Trey Gowdy and his questionable Benghazi committee […]
In the days since House Speaker hopeful Kevin McCarthy bragged to FOX’s Sean Hannity the real reason for the Republican driven Benghazi investigative committee – to […]
After Republican frontrunner Donald Trump retaliated against tough debate questioning by FOX News’ Megyn Kelly, saying “she had blood coming out of her wherever,” the menstruation slur had Republicans […]
When Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker takes the stage this Thursday at the first Republican presidential debate, he should be asked how he feels about the need […]
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump feigned shock this weekend over the outrage his incendiary remarks about Mexican immigrants have generated. He stated: “When Mexico sends its […]
Despite bizarre memes on Hillary Clinton’s alleged “narrow electoral strategy” emanating, predictably, from The New York Times, it is not a stretch to claim that she is alone […]
Hillary Clinton’s call for expanded voting rights has Republicans on the attack. Per CNN, Ohio Gov. Kasich accused her of trying to “divide” Americans. NJ Gov. […]
In the ever burgeoning pool of Republican presidential candidates, Rand Paul is playing a dangerous game speaking out against Republicans, even blaming them for the growth […]
The Republican field gets more crowded by the day, with the potential for nearly two dozen candidates jockeying for position on the debate stage. But how […]
Hillary Clinton plans to announce her candidacy on Twitter this weekend as she journey’s to Iowa for her initial campaign blitz. Big media (left and right) […]
Republicans got a huge assist from mainstream media this week in their quest to smear Hillary Clinton, thereby arresting her path to the Presidency in 2016. […]