In its enthusiastic endorsement of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, The New York Times’ editorial board stated “voters have the chance to choose one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history.” Their assessment is both forthright and thoughtful, leading many to wonder how their political desk could be consistently trashy to Secretary Clinton, pursuing stories of questionable origin in order to diminish her. The answer is simple: The editorial board is not beholden to click bait, so their endorsement is based on the facts of her long record of advocacy, her smarts and preparedness to tackle our greatest challenges, foreign and domestic.
It is a treat to read objective coverage of Hillary for a change. I’ve printed select paragraphs below. I encourage you to click the link to read The New York Times’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton in full. It’s quite enlightening. Then hold on to those pages as a touchstone for yourself when their political desk goes off chasing squirrels…
“Hillary Clinton would be the first woman nominated by a major party. She served as a senator from a major state (New York) and as secretary of state — not to mention her experience on the national stage as first lady with her brilliant and flawed husband, President Bill Clinton. The Times editorial board has endorsed her three times for federal office — twice for Senate and once in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary — and is doing so again with confidence and enthusiasm.
…Mr. Sanders does not have the breadth of experience or policy ideas that Mrs. Clinton offers. His boldest proposals — to break up the banks and to start all over on health care reform with a Medicare-for-all system — have earned him support among alienated middle-class voters and young people. But his plans for achieving them aren’t realistic, while Mrs. Clinton has very good, and achievable, proposals in both areas…
Mrs. Clinton is a strong advocate of sensible and effective measures to combat the plague of firearms; Mr. Sanders’s record on guns is relatively weak. Her economic proposals for financial reform reflect a deep understanding of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform act, including the ways in which it has fallen short. She supports changes that the country badly needs, like controls on high-frequency trading and stronger curbs on bank speculation in derivatives.
…One of the most attractive parts of Mrs. Clinton’s economic platform is her pledge to support the well-being and rights of working Americans. Her lifelong fight for women bolsters her credibility in this area, since so many of the problems with labor law hit women the hardest, including those involving child care, paid sick leave, unstable schedules and low wages for tipped workers.
Mrs. Clinton is keenly aware of the wage gap for women, especially for women of color. It’s not just that she’s done her homework — Mrs. Clinton has done her homework on pretty much any subject you’d care to name. Her knowledge comes from a commitment to issues like reproductive rights that is decades old. She was well ahead of Mr. Sanders in calling for repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which severely limits federal money to pay for abortions for poor women.
As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton worked tirelessly, and with important successes, for the nation’s benefit. She was the secretary President Obama needed and wanted: someone who knew leaders around the world, who brought star power as well as expertise to the table. The combination of a new president who talked about inclusiveness and a chief diplomat who had been his rival but shared his vision allowed the United States to repair relations around the world that had been completely trashed by the previous administration.
Mrs. Clinton helped make it possible to impose tougher sanctions on Iran, which in turn led to the important nuclear deal now going into effect. She also fostered closer cooperation with Asian countries. She worked to expand and deepen the dialogue with China and to increase Washington’s institutional ties to the region. Mrs. Clinton had rebuked China when she was first lady for its treatment of women, and she criticized the Beijing government’s record on human rights even as she worked to improve relations.
Mrs. Clinton has honed a steeliness that will serve her well in negotiating with a difficult Congress on critically important issues like climate change. …
Hillary Clinton is the right choice for the Democrats to present a vision for America that is radically different from the one that leading Republican candidates offer — a vision in which middle-class Americans have a real shot at prosperity, women’s rights are enhanced, undocumented immigrants are given a chance at legitimacy, international alliances are nurtured and the country is kept safe.”
*ahem*So, a cat was responsible for that last comment. I could delete it, but I want the cat to feel that she is entitled to an opinion, too.MK, that's so interesting — and the books are inae-rreltted, you know, so they will be sort of a series.Chin, thank you for that beautiful comment. :o)
The metal is stronger and stiffer than bone. the bones break at the ends of plates and screws because the metal isn’t flexing at all while the bone is.I learned that when they explained to little 14-year-old Steve why they were taking the plates back out after a year-and-a-half.