On Tuesday, Jan. 8th, John Smart and I will be hosting Kevin Scholla, accomplished TV panelist, sportscaster and creator of SarahNET Radio to get an opposing viewpoint on the state of Conservatism today, the truth behind the fiscal cliff negotiations and what all the government shenanigans mean for us out here on the ground. We’ll also be discussing the divide between Sarah Palin and the Republican Party, her relevance going forward, aas well as the pressure Democrats feel to nomibnate a woman in 2016…speaking of which –how will Hillary’s recent health scare impact their thinking? Will she jump in when the time comes?
Lots of good stuff to dig into…please join us!
As an aside, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kevin last summer on his radio program discussing Dirty Words on Clean Skin. I can tell you he is a right gent and a living testament that two people on opposite sides of the aisle can find common ground in a civil and lively debate! We are thrilled that has agreed to be on our show.