My mom spent almost 50 years working as a union seamstress. For most of that time, she was the sole support of a chronically ill husband and two daughters, sometimes working sixty hours a week to support us. She paid into Social Security and Medicare with every paycheck. As a union member, she also earned a pension. Unfortunately, the wealthy crooks who ran it also ran away with most of it – leaving her with 8 cents on the dollar to retire on. If not for the Social Security benefits she had EARNED, she’d have been out on the street in her elder years.
What was her crime? Having to pay off my dad’s many medical bills—which she did without fail. Making sure her kids were kept safe, fed and comfortable, always putting us before herself. Her fierce work ethic and loyalty to family meant she didn’t have a lot of savings to speak of, but that was not for lack of trying.
My mom Antonia’s story is reflective of so many millions of elderly in the United Stated who, like her, deserve to be able to retire with dignity.
If GOP multi-millionaires like Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson (net worth $40 million) have their way, Social Security and Medicare will be on the chopping block. They’ve said as much repeatedly. Utah Senator Mitt Romney (former vulture capitalist, net worth $175 million+) and Florida Senator Rick Scott (Medicare fraudster with a net worth $220 million) are also among those who wish to cut, privatize or otherwise kill Social Security. Are we seeing a pattern here?
Sadly, today’s GOP representatives on a Federal, State and Local level don’t think any need is real unless it affects them personally. No wonder these guys could care less whether you can keep a roof over your head.
And no matter what you have been told, Social Security does NOT add to the deficit.
Those with resources beyond most people’s wildest dreams don’t think you are entitled to the money you EARNED over a lifetime. Prove them wrong.
This is an issue that affects all of us, and our parents and grandparents–and will affect your retirement in the future.
Election day is November 8th and we need every vote. Please vote, and vote accordingly. #VoteBlue2022 up and down the ballot.