I just received official notification that my ballot was received and counted. It reminds me how grateful I am to have the privilege of voting. Even in America, where we are supposed to be free to vote, there are those in some states who are traveling far to a ballot box due to a deliberate lack of polling places. They are having to stand online for 8+ hours to cast their ballots—and they do it. I’m grateful for every one of those voters.
Since I now have the option to vote by mail—I’m grateful for the opportunity to do so, and to be informed and vote for Representatives both national, state and local who will represent my interests and those of my family—namely that I should have equal rights under the law–the right to dominion over my own person, the right to choose. I vote for a Party that is working to lower drug costs, to save and protect Social Security and Medicare, a Party that has brought manufacturing back to the US, that has passed infrastructure legislation, that enacted the first sensible gun legislation in thirty years, that is working to protect veterans and the environment. Everything that I care about. I was proud to cast my vote for Democrats State, Local and Federal.
For those who say “I don’t do politics. You may not think you do. But one way or another, politics does you. We can no longer afford to take for granted that those minding the mint have our best interests at heart. It’s shocking in this day and age to think that women in 2022 will have less rights than women in 1973. With the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision overturning Roe v. Wade, that is the new reality. Your vote helping Democrats maintain the House and grow their number in the Senate can reverse that. But only if you vote.
I reflect upon those in other nations who don’t have a right to vote, who suffer under horrid oppression. Given that we have this privilege, it is incumbent upon all of us to use it.
Please inform yourselves about who’s actually working for you and who is not. Vote for the Representatives who are making every effort to protect you, your family and your community, not just the same old familiar name out of habit.
Thank you in advance for voting!